Ansh Bagri tests Covid negative post home quarantine

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  News   15 Oct 2020  Ansh Bagri tests Covid negative post home quarantine

Ansh Bagri tests Covid negative post home quarantine

Model-actor Ansh Bagri had tested Covid-19 positive a few days ago and gone under quarantine. The actor has now announced that he has tested negative.
Oct 15, 2020, 6:47 pm ISTNewsIANS
Ansh Bagri tests negative for COVID 19, advises people to not put their guards down
  Ansh Bagri tests negative for COVID 19, advises people to not put their guards down

Model-actor Ansh Bagri had tested Covid-19 positive a few days ago and gone under quarantine. The actor has now announced that he has tested negative.

"I have finally tested negative after 15 to 16 days of quarantine at home. Had this happened to me five to six months ago, the fear would have been different. But now at least we know that it can be cured and is not deadly for everyone. Of course it is deadly for some, but it depends on the immunity. I had mild symptoms and they disappeared in four to five days. Later, may be because of my lifestyle, it didn't hit me because I workout regularly and pay attention to what I eat. However, I got tested on time. So, I would advise people to keep their lifestyles good and keep immunity strong," he said.

Ansh believes it is important to do away with bad habits from one's lifestyle and not let one's guard down.

"One should also avoid bad habits like smoking because it affects your lungs. Covid can be really dangerous in that case. So, I think this is a warning for everyone that we should exclude bad habits from our lives," he said.

"Even though I have tested negative, I will take all precautions. I will wear a mask and maintain social distancing. I would suggest everyone to take precautions," he added.

Ansh Bagri tests Covid negative post home quarantine

Ansh Bagri tests Covid negative post home quarantine

Ansh Bagri tests Covid negative post home quarantine

Ansh Bagri tests Covid negative post home quarantine


Tags: Cinema, Showbiz, Bollywood, Lifestyle, Fashion