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Sunday, Jun 16, 2024 | Last Update : 07:13 PM IST

  News   05 May 2021


  • Pooja Hegde tests negative for Covid-19

    Pooja Hegde tests negative for Covid-19

    Actress Pooja Hegde has tested negative for Covid-19 after battling the virus over the past days. Pooja made the announcement along with an Instagram selfie on Wednesday.

  • Pulkit Samrat gets vaccinated for Covid-19

    Pulkit Samrat gets vaccinated for Covid-19

    Pulkit Samrat has received his first dose of Covid-19 vaccine. On Wednesday afternoon, the actor posted a picture on Instagram that shows him getting the vaccine jab.

  • Why Arslan Goni is often called 'Lale di jaan' lately

    Why Arslan Goni is often called 'Lale di jaan' lately

    Actor Arslan Goni is currently seen playing the negative character Lala in the series "Mai Hero Boll Raha Hun", and is amused at how people sometimes refer to him by the name of his on-screen avatar, and also as "Lale di jaan".