Conjuring 2 Warning in Indian Theaters

JhakaasMovies Staff


Hollywood Horror Movie Conjuring 2 releases in India today, but with a WARNING. Read on to know the warning displayed in Indian theaters.

Conjuring 2 Warning in Indian Theaters

Conjuring 2 has released in India today and viewers will find the following warning notice displayed in cinema halls:

"The film you are about to see is psychologically and emotionally disturbing. People who have attended early screenings of the film have complained about many unusual circumstances that they have experienced after seeing the film. Due to our concern for your well being, we have invited father Perez to be here. He will be available after the film to provide spiritual support and/or conduct a personal blessing should you feel the need.
Please do not hesitate to seek help, as a representative where you can sign for a session with our Priest."

Did you know about the 5 Scary & Creepy Incidents that occurred on the sets of 'The Conjuring' that were most definitely signs of the supernatural? The Conjuring film director James Wan described his experience while directing the movie as being almost too real.

  1. Phone Lines Going Dead: The Haynes brothers and Lorraine Warren saw their phone line going dead several times when they talked about the script and it happened quite often the phone line would suddenly go dead. That was creepy.
  2. The dog could see something that James Wan couldn't: James Wan had adopted a new puppy back when he started shooting The Conjuring. He noticed one night the dog would stare at an empty side of the room and bark aggressively. James noticed that his dog's head would follow something all across the room but he didn't see anything.
  3. Claw Marks on Vera Farmiga 's (Lorraine Warren) screen: When Vera Farmiga opened her computer one day to read the script, she noticed 5 claw marks scratched across her screen. She says "“I don’t know how to explain it. I do know I hadn’t dropped the computer, my children didn’t step on it, so I closed it, put it away and my brain went berserk." We are not sure how true this could be. Sometimes people just cook up stories in order to generate interest.
  4. A weird wind: When the Perrrons (The family whose life the film was based on) visited the sets one day, they felt a cool wind whip throughout the set. They noticed it was intense and weird but the wind wouldn't shake any plants or trees.
  5. An Unusual Dark Presence: The mother of the Perron family claimed to have felt an unusual dark presence like when she first experienced the occurrences depicted in the film. She later tripped and suffered some wounds, which put her in the hospital.

Know the real story of The Enfield Poltergeist and also have a look at The Making of The Conjuring 2: Behind The Scenes. Before that let us check out the official trailer of The Conjuring 2 below.

Have a look at what people abroad have to say about this scary Sequel. The Conjuring 2 Movie Review

Here is the warning displayed in theaters across India:

Conjuring 2 Warning in Indian Theaters

Have a look at The Conjuring 2 Official Trailer

Read our Conjuring Movie Review HERE

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