Meet the Demon Nun of The Conjuring 2

JhakaasMovies Staff

Did you Know?

Meet Bonnie Aaron, the facinorous and wicked nun who terrorizes the dreams and visions of Lorraine Warren. Read on to know more about her next horror movie.

Bonnie Aarons is the Demon Nun of The Conjuring 2

Bonnie Aarons is a Hollywood actress and writer. She is now well known for her appearance in The Conjuring 2. She portrayed the role of Valak - the wicked Nun who makes The Conjuring 2 scarier than the first part. She also also acted in movies like Mulholland Drive (2001), Silver Linings Playbook (2012) and I Know Who Killed Me (2007).

Bonnie Aarons (Image source: Twitter)

The Conjuring 2's demonic nun will be the subject of the next horror movie titled 'The Nun'. It isn't confirmed yet, if Bonnie will be acting as The Nun in that movie. James Wan, the director of the two Conjuring films will be producing the movie, according to the Hollywood Reporter. The screenplay will be penned by Leslie Johnson, who co-wrote The Conjuring 2. As of now no director has been finalized.

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