Mumbai, March 27 (IANS) With Union Minister of Information and Broadcasting Prakash Javadekar announcing the retelecast of the popular television serial of the 1980s, "Ramayan"on Doordarshan during the 21-day natonal lockdown, social media is full of request for retelecast of "Mahabharat" and "Chanakya". (File Photo: IANS)
Mumbai, March 27 (IANS) With Union Minister of Information and Broadcasting Prakash Javadekar announcing the retelecast of the popular television serial of the 1980s, "Ramayan"on Doordarshan during the 21-day natonal lockdown, social media is full of request for retelecast of "Mahabharat" and "Chanakya". (File Photo: IANS)
Go To Article : Fans wants 'Mahabharat'. 'Chanakya' back, with 'Ramayan' returning on DD