Mumbai, March 27 (IANS) With Union Minister of Information and Broadcasting Prakash Javadekar announcing the retelecast of the popular television serial of the 1980s, "Ramayan"on Doordarshan during the 21-day natonal lockdown, social media is full of request for retelecast of "Mahabharat" and "Chanakya". (File Photo: IANS)

Sunday, Jan 12, 2025 | Last Update : 09:42 AM IST

Mumbai, March 27 (IANS) With Union Minister of Information and Broadcasting Prakash Javadekar announcing the retelecast of the popular television serial of the 1980s, "Ramayan"on Doordarshan during the 21-day natonal lockdown, social media is full of request for retelecast of "Mahabharat" and "Chanakya". (File Photo: IANS)

Mumbai, March 27 (IANS) With Union Minister of Information and Broadcasting Prakash Javadekar announcing the retelecast of the popular television serial of the 1980s,

Mumbai, March 27 (IANS) With Union Minister of Information and Broadcasting Prakash Javadekar announcing the retelecast of the popular television serial of the 1980s, "Ramayan"on Doordarshan during the 21-day natonal lockdown, social media is full of request for retelecast of "Mahabharat" and "Chanakya". (File Photo: IANS)

Go To Article : Fans wants 'Mahabharat'. 'Chanakya' back, with 'Ramayan' returning on DD