A picture of actor Ranbir Kapoor giving a sweet kiss to actress Alia Bhatt, who just turned 27, has gone viral on social media. In the photo, Ranbir can be seen giving a peck on Alia's cheek. In the background, Arjun Kapoor can be seen holding Malaika close. According to celebrity photographer Viral Bhayani the picture was shared by philanthropist Natasha Poonawalla.

Sunday, Sep 29, 2024 | Last Update : 04:56 PM IST

A picture of actor Ranbir Kapoor giving a sweet kiss to actress Alia Bhatt, who just turned 27, has gone viral on social media. In the photo, Ranbir can be seen giving a peck on Alia's cheek. In the background, Arjun Kapoor can be seen holding Malaika close. According to celebrity photographer Viral Bhayani the picture was shared by philanthropist Natasha Poonawalla.

A picture of actor Ranbir Kapoor giving a sweet kiss to actress Alia Bhatt, who just turned 27, has gone viral on social media. In the photo, Ranbir can be seen giving a peck on Alia's cheek. In the background, Arjun Kapoor can be seen holding Malaika close. According to celebrity photographer Viral Bhayani the picture was shared by philanthropist Natasha Poonawalla.

A picture of actor Ranbir Kapoor giving a sweet kiss to actress Alia Bhatt, who just turned 27, has gone viral on social media. In the photo, Ranbir can be seen giving a peck on Alia's cheek. In the background, Arjun Kapoor can be seen holding Malaika close. According to celebrity photographer Viral Bhayani the picture was shared by philanthropist Natasha Poonawalla.

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