Actresses Bhumi Pednekar and Kiara Advani showed their bold avatar in a new calendar shoot. Celebrity photographer Dabboo Ratnani has unveiled the latest edition of his celebrity calendar. Bhumi also took to social media to post the photo in which she is posing on the bathtub sans clothes. She captioned it: "July 2020 #dabbooratnanicalendar." Kiara, on the other hand, held a banana leaf for the shoot.

Tuesday, Jan 07, 2025 | Last Update : 06:44 AM IST

Actresses Bhumi Pednekar and Kiara Advani showed their bold avatar in a new calendar shoot. Celebrity photographer Dabboo Ratnani has unveiled the latest edition of his celebrity calendar. Bhumi also took to social media to post the photo in which she is posing on the bathtub sans clothes. She captioned it: "July 2020 #dabbooratnanicalendar." Kiara, on the other hand, held a banana leaf for the shoot.

Actresses Bhumi Pednekar and Kiara Advani showed their bold avatar in a new calendar shoot. Celebrity photographer Dabboo Ratnani has unveiled the latest edition of his celebrity calendar. Bhumi also took to social media to post the photo in which she is posing on the bathtub sans clothes. She captioned it:

Actresses Bhumi Pednekar and Kiara Advani showed their bold avatar in a new calendar shoot. Celebrity photographer Dabboo Ratnani has unveiled the latest edition of his celebrity calendar. Bhumi also took to social media to post the photo in which she is posing on the bathtub sans clothes. She captioned it: "July 2020 #dabbooratnanicalendar." Kiara, on the other hand, held a banana leaf for the shoot.

Go To Article : Photos: Bhumi, Kiara go topless for calendar shoot