Filmmaker Rohit Shetty harbours dream of remaking popular Hollywood franchise "Bad Boys" in Bollywood, and even has Bollywood stars in his mind. Recently, the filmmaker, known for creating his own cop universe, got associated with latest instalment "Bad Boys For Life" in India.

Monday, Sep 30, 2024 | Last Update : 03:06 PM IST

Filmmaker Rohit Shetty harbours dream of remaking popular Hollywood franchise "Bad Boys" in Bollywood, and even has Bollywood stars in his mind. Recently, the filmmaker, known for creating his own cop universe, got associated with latest instalment "Bad Boys For Life" in India.

Filmmaker Rohit Shetty harbours dream of remaking popular Hollywood franchise

Filmmaker Rohit Shetty harbours dream of remaking popular Hollywood franchise "Bad Boys" in Bollywood, and even has Bollywood stars in his mind. Recently, the filmmaker, known for creating his own cop universe, got associated with latest instalment "Bad Boys For Life" in India.

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