A web series, titled "Overtime", about alien invasion has been released. It is Written and directed by Ashwin Lakshmi Narayan. The five-episode series revolves around two IT employees who try to survive the horror of the outside world as well as survive each other.

Monday, Sep 30, 2024 | Last Update : 06:51 PM IST

A web series, titled "Overtime", about alien invasion has been released. It is Written and directed by Ashwin Lakshmi Narayan. The five-episode series revolves around two IT employees who try to survive the horror of the outside world as well as survive each other.

A web series, titled

A web series, titled "Overtime", about alien invasion has been released. It is Written and directed by Ashwin Lakshmi Narayan. The five-episode series revolves around two IT employees who try to survive the horror of the outside world as well as survive each other.

Go To Article : 'Overtime' aims to be a quirky alien invasion office comedy series