Popular Bollywood singer Kumar Sanu has lent his voice to numerous actors including Shah Rukh Khan, Ajay Devgn and Sanjay Dutt. Now his young daughter, also a singer, Shannon K wants to be the voice to Bollywood actresses like Deepika Padukone.

Tuesday, Oct 01, 2024 | Last Update : 12:59 AM IST

Popular Bollywood singer Kumar Sanu has lent his voice to numerous actors including Shah Rukh Khan, Ajay Devgn and Sanjay Dutt. Now his young daughter, also a singer, Shannon K wants to be the voice to Bollywood actresses like Deepika Padukone.

Popular Bollywood singer Kumar Sanu has lent his voice to numerous actors including Shah Rukh Khan, Ajay Devgn and Sanjay Dutt. Now his young daughter, also a singer, Shannon K wants to be the voice to Bollywood actresses like Deepika Padukone.

Popular Bollywood singer Kumar Sanu has lent his voice to numerous actors including Shah Rukh Khan, Ajay Devgn and Sanjay Dutt. Now his young daughter, also a singer, Shannon K wants to be the voice to Bollywood actresses like Deepika Padukone.

Go To Article : Kumar Sanu's daughter Shannon wants to sing for Deepika Padukone