A film titled “Modi Ji Ki Beti" is under production. Although the subject of the film is under wraps, it is said to be a comedy action film. The film marks the directorial debut of ad-filmmaker Eddy Singh, and its title caught the attention of many at the ongoing Film Bazaar in Goa.

Wednesday, Oct 02, 2024 | Last Update : 09:52 AM IST

A film titled “Modi Ji Ki Beti" is under production. Although the subject of the film is under wraps, it is said to be a comedy action film. The film marks the directorial debut of ad-filmmaker Eddy Singh, and its title caught the attention of many at the ongoing Film Bazaar in Goa.

A film titled “Modi Ji Ki Beti

A film titled “Modi Ji Ki Beti" is under production. Although the subject of the film is under wraps, it is said to be a comedy action film. The film marks the directorial debut of ad-filmmaker Eddy Singh, and its title caught the attention of many at the ongoing Film Bazaar in Goa.

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