The story of Fuddu revolves around Mohan (played by Shubham) who relocates from Banaras to Mumbai and finds it difficult to adjust to the city's lifestyle. He comes to Mumbai with certain expectations but gets disappointed when he reaches his brother's home. He finds it too cramped and claustrophobic. Mohan finds it extremely difficult adjusting in that home. He later secures a job and gets married to Shalini (played by Swati Kapoor). Mohan being shy finds it difficult to get intimate with Shalini in that cramped house occupied by 6 family members. Even though Shalini tries her best to get close to Mohan, things don't work out and Shalini decides to leave the home. Mohan's life changes and how he fixes it later is in the rest of the movie.
Performance by lead actor Shubham is excellent. Swati Kapoor also lends a good support. Shubham's character is very believable and you empathize with him most of the times.
How middle class people in Mumbai adjust and live in their cramped houses is very well portrayed in the movie. Songs were unnecessary. The film falters at some points but overall it is an enjoyable movie, quite different from the usual masala movies that Bollywood has been churning out.