Finding Dory is an American Animated Adventure movie directed by Andrew Stanton, produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures with voice-over by Ellen DeGeneres, Albert Brooks, Hayden Rolence, Ed O'Neill, Kaitlin Olson, Ty Burrell, Diane Keaton and Eugene Levy.
Plot: An extremely forgetful fish named Dory with short term memory loss is trying to find her family. She has these very fragmented memories of her past. With broken up memories of her past scattered around her brain, dory tries to find where her parents are with her the help of her friends Marlin and Nemo.
Ellen DeGeneres is so good as Dory. Her voice suits the character so well. They found really funny and smart ways to make her disability she deals with not only entertaining but also heartfelt in just the right ways. The mixture of emotions, humour and action sequences was really great. Characters like the Whale Shark, the Octopus and others are so good. There is no villain, no evil person; it is the situation that is the antagonist of the movie.
Finding Dory is very fast paced movie. It is fun and extremely enjoyable. Kids will like it for its beautiful animation and the story. Dory is a very compelling character. The only flaw is that the movie is not as emotionally as appealing. Nonetheless it is a must watch for kids and adults alike.
The movie is doing extremely well and Disney-Pixar estimated that "Finding Dory" generated $136.2 million in its opening weekend, passing the previous record for an animated film set by "Shrek the Third" in 2007.