Written & Directed by Nagesh Kuknoor, the film stars Hetal Gadda and Krrish Chhabria. The movie revolves around two orphaned siblings - the brother-sister duo of Pari (Hetal) and Chotu (Krrish). Pari has promised her younger visually impaired brother that she will help get his eyesight back before he turns 10 and believes that Bollywood actor Shahrukh Khan will help her on her mission after she spots him on a poster for an eye-donation drive. When she comes to know that Shah Rukh shooting in Jaisalmer for his film, Pari decides to travel to Jaisalmer. The rest of the story is about how Pari and Chhotu tread the unknown path, the people they meet on their journey and the entire experience.
What works for Dhanak is the stellar acting by Hetal and Krrish, the exuberant music and the endearing dialogues. Dhanak also showcases the beauty of Desert. It captures the innocence of children beautifully. The entire story is woven around a simple wish and embraces the goodness existing in and around us. 106 minutes long & brilliantly edited, Dhanak will definitely bring a smile on your face. Go watch it in a theater near you!