Actor and stand-up comedian Vir Das was recently stuck inside an elevator with co-star Ranvir Shorey and director Nikhil Gonsalves of the upcoming web show, "Hasmukh".
The incident, Vir recalls, happened during the shoot of the series. "It was like one of those moments in the movies where you talk about your last wish in a stuck elevator, because the only thing you fear is death! Ranvir, Nikhil and I were not scared for our lives at all, but we started discussing the one regret we have in life, and there were some fun stories. Ranvir, as we all know, can't stop talking, so he spilled a bunch of things that are only for the people in the elevator, because what happens in a stuck elevator, stays in a stuck elevator!" said Vir.
VirDas and Ranvir Shorey feature in the show along with Manoj Pahwa, Ravi Kishan, Amrita Bagchi, Suhail Nayyar, Inaamulhaq and Raza Murad among others.
"Hasmukh" releases on Netflix on April 17.