The historical show "Jhansi Ki Rani" is returning to the small screen after 11 years, to boost optimism and motivation among viewers during these challenging days of COVID-19.
A tale of an ordinary girl who went on to become an extraordinary ruler, "Jhansi Ki Rani" narrated the life story of Rani Lakshmibai, whose persistent resistance against the British Rule remains a story of inspiration for all.
Actress Ulka Gupta essayed the younger version of the brave warrior in the show.
"I feel really blessed to have been a part of the show. The love that I have received for playing Lakshmi Bai has been overwhelming and I am really delighted that the character is back once again to entertain the audience," said Ulka.
"'Jhansi Ki Rani' is a tale of strength and bravery that is sure to ignite a spirit of courage amongst all of us at a time when we all need to stay strong and fight this concern just like the true warrior Rani Lakshmibai did," she added.
The show also starred Kratika Sengar as Rani Lakshmibai.
The audience can revisit the tale of this young warrior starting April 20 on Zee TV.