Actor Rajeev Khandelwal says he has always been connected with the Indian Army, personally as well as through the characters he has portrayed.
Now, he essays the role of Capt. Bikash Roy in Zee Theatre's "Court Martial".
"I felt very strongly about the character I played in 'Court Martial'. I have always been connected with the Indian Army, whether personally or in the characters I've portrayed," Rajeev said.
"Hence why, the significance of the uniform I wore in the play was heightened. I wanted to keep it to remind me of all that the character stands for in the play and my personal growth as an actor," he added.
The play "Court Martial" follows the unusual trial of a junior-ranked armyman convicted of murdering his senior officer. Rajeev plays the role of Bikash Roy, an extremely sharp defence lawyer who goes deep into the shocking truth behind the assault.
Written by Swadesh Deepak, the play also stars Govind Pandey, Bhagwan Tiwari, Saksham Dayma and Swapnil Kotiwar. The play premiered on Dish TV and D2H Rangmanch Active and Airtel Spotlight on April 26.