Actor Alan Kapoor, who featured in the show "Sasural Simar Ka", will star in "Pyar Ki Luka Chuppi".
According to a source, the show will take one year leap and Alan's character will make an entry as the parallel lead.
"I feel fortunate to be a part of this beautiful story. I'm looking forward to some interesting twists, turns and heart-touching performances. My character is still building up but I can definitely say that he will be a son and brother who every mother and sibling wants and I hope he proves to be the guy every girl dreams of," he said.
"I hope I can add to the entertainment the audience was receiving before the lockdown," he added.
The show's female protagonist Aparna Dixit has already resumed shooting.
Meanwhile, the male lead Rahul Sharma recently opened up on his battle with depression.
The show is aired on Dangal TV.