Bollywood actor Shekhar Suman says the Supreme Court order for a CBI probe into the Sushant Singh Rajput case is a vindication of truth. He feels the CBI is going to have a tough task investigating the case all over again.
"I feel joyous and exhilarated. I woke up to this great news and we were quite sure that this would happen, that the Supreme Court would give a verdict in our favour and he did. When 1.3 billion people get together, there is no stopping," Shekhar told IANS.
The Bollywood star had been campaigning for a CBI investigation from the early days of the case. He had shown his solidarity with Sushant's family and had even visited the late actor's father in Patna.
"I'm so happy for Sushant's father, sisters and the family. They fought hard. They have been devastated, with some stupid people pointing fingers at them and maligning them and their names, which is absolutely unnecessary. All of us should just get together to get to the bottom of it and find out the truth," he said.
Shekhar is confident that CBI will unravel the truth behind the death of Sushant.
"It was getting into a jurisdiction thing, Mumbai versus the Bihar police and all of that. Social media is full of fake news, with people coming up with idiotic theories and pointing fingers at everybody. That was complicating the case. I am sure the CBI will investigate the matter without any bias, and we will come to the right and logical conclusion," he said, adding: "It is a vindication of truth. It is a victory of democracy, faith, honesty and truth."
However, Shekhar feels the road ahead is not easy for the investigating agency.
"This is the first step towards justice. Now, the CBI is going to have a tough task, as (they will have to) start all over again. Evidence can probably be tampered within 60 days, though I hope not. And I hope that the Mumbai police cooperates and everyone cooperates with each other," he said.
Asked if he reached out to Sushant's family after the court ruling, Shekhar said: "No, I don't think this is a moment to reach out to them. Our emotions are reaching out to them. Everything doesn't have to be put in words. I don't want to personally call them up and disturb them."
Tags: Cinema, Showbiz, Lifestyle, Fashion