The late Rishi Kapoor's daughter Riddhima Kapoor Sahni on Monday shared the arrival of a new dog into her family. They have named the pet "Doodle Kapoor".
Riddhima introduced the furry new family member with an Instagram video, captioning it: "New addition to the family - Doodle Kapoor," Riddhima captioned the video.
Apart from Doodle, the Kapoors also own an English mastiff. A few days ago, actress Alia Bhatt posted a few pictures that showed her cuddling and kissing Ranbir's pet dog.
Riddhima is currently spending time with her mother Neetu Kapoor in Mumbai. She reached here a few days after her father, Rishi Kapoor, passed away on April 30.
Tags: Cinema, Showbiz, Bollywood