Bollywood superstars Amitabh Bachchan and Deepika Padukone will star with Telugu superstar Prabhas in a multi-lingual mega production for the big screen. The yet-untitled film is slated to release in 2022.
"I feel lucky and blessed that Bachchan Sir has selected our film among the many choices he has. It is a full-length role, which we believe will do justice to the legend that he is," the film's director Nag Ashwin said.
The multi-lingual film is backed by the South Indian production house Vyjayanthi Movies, popular for projects such as "Mahanati", "Agni Parvatam" and "Indra".
"Shri NTR and I had watched the landmark film ‘Sholay' several times when it ran for over a year at NTR's Ramakrishna Theatre. After all these years, it is truly a glorious and immensely satisfying moment for me to welcome Indian cinema's greatest icon, Shri Bachchan to be a part of this prestigious movie under our banner," said Aswini Dutt, producer and founder of Vyjayanthi Movies.
This is the first time Prabhas collaborates with Big B or Deepika. The two Bollywood stars have earlier worked together in the films "Aarakshan" and "Piku".
Tags: Cinema, Showbiz, Bollywood, Southern Cinema