The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Saturday recorded the statement of Sushant Singh Rajput sister's Mitu Singh, while a team of sleuths from the premier investigative agency, along with the forensic team, visited the Bandra home of the late actor, in connection with the probe into his death.
According to CBI sources, Mitu Singh has recorded her statement with the agency. She accompanied the CBI team to the Mont Blanc building in Bandra West -- where Sushant was found dead on June 14. Besides Mitu Singh, the CBI and the forensic team were accompanied by Sushant's personal staff Neeraj Singh and Keshav Bachne, and flatmate Siddharth Pithani.
The CBI on Friday continued recording the statement of the executives of Cornerstone, where Sushant's celebrity manager Shruti Modi and Disha Salian worked.
The development comes a day after the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) got the custody of Sushant's house manager Samuel Miranda and Showik, brother of the deceased actor's girlfriend actress Rhea Chakraborty.
The CBI and forensic team were present for over two hours at the Mont Blanc Apartment and then returned to the DRDO guest house, where they have been staying since August 20 after their arrival from Delhi.
This is for the fourth time the CBI sleuths have visited the flat. The team had also recreated the crime scene once earlier.
Earlier, the CBI team visited the Cooper Hospital twice, and met the doctors who carried out the post-mortem of the late actor.
It also visited the Waterstone resort where Sushant stayed for two months.
Tags: Cinema, Showbiz