With Maharashtra government green-signalling the shooting of films, TV shows in the city amid the coronavirus pandemic, filmmaker Sanjay Gupta has opened up on how he is going to complete the remaining portion of his upcoming multistarrer, "Mumbai Saga".
"Our post production has been going on in full swing and my team's already prepping up to shoot the remaining portions. The only thing my company is going to do is the balance pending work, for which we'll head to Ramoji film city. We've got work on two sets, so we'll put up those two sets and there will be nobody coming from outside those gates.
"The people we take from here will be a limited number. This will ensure a sense of security which was not probable in Mumbai, where you've got people coming from different parts of the city, and even with all necessary precautions taken, one can't be 100% sure of being safe. It's not a risk I'd like my cast and senior technicians to face," Sanjay shared.
Set in the 1980s and 1990s, the gangster drama features actors John Abraham, Suniel Shetty, Emraan Hashmi and Gulshan Grover.
It is backed by T-Series and White Feather Films production.
Tags: Cinema, Showbiz, Bollywood