Actor Vijayendra Kumeria has launched his YouTube channel, and says he will use the platform to share short films he makes, besides other entertaining videos.
"I have been thinking of creating some short films and content for a long time, but never took that first step to implement my thought. During the lockdown, I got a lot of time to think, learn, write and shoot. So, I have finally made this YouTube channel and will try to make it interesting for viewers. I will start by uploading some short films that I had made recently with minimum resources," he said.
"Slowly, there will be a bouquet of entertaining content like fun videos, behind the scenes, cooking videos, workout videos and whatever my fans and viewers suggest. I am new to this platform when it comes to creating content and engaging people but it is a great way to reach out to fans," he added.
Meanwhile, his show "Naagin 4" is one of the projects that have been axed during the lockdown.
"When I got to know I was of course taken aback for a moment. Then in the next few moments, I was fine as it has to happen with every show. So as an actor, I am always prepared for such surprises. I am sure something good will be coming my way," Vijayendra said.
Tags: Cinema, Showbiz, TV, OTT