Little Known Facts About Bobby Deol

JhakaasMovies Staff

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Did you know about Bobby Deol's obsession for sunglasses and perfumes?

Bobby Deol recently revealed that he has a huge collection of sunglasses and perfumes. So much so, that he has lost count of how many he has! Bobby, who appeared on the sets of the a television show to promote his upcomming film , shared that he just buys sunglasses as he is obsessed with them. “When I was growing up, I used to see my dad’s pictures with sunglasses. So, I used to think I’ll go and take them out from his cupboard, but they never used to be there. I always wanted to wear those chashmas but they would be gone. I then decided that when I grow up, I’m going to buy my own sunglasses. I am crazily obsessed with them,” he said.

In the official trailer of Race 3, which was released on May 15, there is a scene wherein Salman and Bobby are seen walking down a road sans their shirts, and the duo is seen giving each other an intense look. The scene that is perfectly shot, however, was a spontaneous move on the part of the director, Remo D’Souza.

This scene was not part of the the script initially. As Salman Khan always obliges his fans with his trademark style, the director thought to have Bobby do the same. Bobby has worked extremely hard on his physique, he never missed a single gym session even when on set.

Bobby Deol grew a heavy beard and long hair in 2015 for a upcoming film Changez opposite Monica Dogra. It was to be produced by Vijeta Films, to be directed by ad film maker Vivek Chauhan. It got shelved .

Subhash Ghai wanted to launch Bobby Deol in Saudagar.But Dharmendra declined as he wanted to launch Bobby in a home production.

Shares the same date of birth including year (1969) with director Vikram Bhatt.

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