Directed by Mahesh Bhatt and starring Juhi Chawla and Aamir Khan, Hum Hai Rahi Pyaar ke was released on 23rd July, 1993. It is said that during the shoot, when Mahesh Bhatt would not show up or be available, Aamir Khan would direct the film.
The movie got Juhi Chawla her first and the only Filmfare Award for Best Actress. This had irked Meenaxi Sheshadri as she missed it for Damini. At the 39th Filmfare Awards, Hum Hai Rahi Pyar Ke had won the following awards:
Filmfare Best Film Award - Tahir Hussain
Filmfare Best Actress Award - Juhi Chawla
Filmfare Best Lyricist Award - Sameer for Ghunghat Ki Aad Se
National Film Special Jury Award - Mahesh Bhatt
National Film Award - Best Female Playback Singer - Alka Yagnik for "Goonghat Ki Aad Se"
The film also garnered the National Film Award - Special Jury Award / Special Mention (Feature Film).
The movie was first offered to Anil Kapoor, but he rejected it. After Anil Kapoor rejected the main lead for the film, Sanjay Dutt was offered the part but he too turned it down.